Friday, January 20, 2012

Stepping Down

Tears oh tears rolling down my face
Wiping away all traces of the kisses left there
My steps slowly echoing as I walk down the stairs
Too many times I’ve hesitated and ran right back into your arms
This time I will run right into harm
I’m saying goodbye to the old me
Not listening to what you told me
But following my feet carrying me away
I’m going down these steps
Leaving the pedestal you put us on
I have no interest in being who you want me to be
I only want what seems to be REAL
Not a stretch of faith
Not a place where I can only hate, you
Hate you for making me unhappy
I know this is all to sappy
But I gotta live for me
I wanna live to be free
No rules only guidelines
Since you are so big on Jesus
Let me tell you a few of his words

Matthew 9:13 “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

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