Saturday, July 13, 2013

Talk is Cheap

"Compared to my other exes you were my epic unforgettable love"
"I still remember your number because it was the first girl's I ever learned. I will NEVER forget it."

Years later after our chapter has ended
You opened this up and then pretended
To feel more than you do
To pretend there is something more between me and you
Why couldn't you stay gone
I thought I had moved on
But your kiss opened up old wounds
And you knew exactly how to make me swoon, over you
You built me up
Then tore me down
You filled my mind
Confused my heart
Simply to get ahold of my body again?
Shame on you
I will cry few tears
Because over the years
I've built up so many scars
A few more scratches will do little harm...

I'm so disappointed in you. You were the good one, the one that never hurt me. We broke it off due to circumstance and here I thought this was our second chance. But the good boy, became a bad man. I miss 14 year old you I loved him so deeply... You were my Epic Love story, my Romeo, why did you have to go and Benedict Arnold it....

Different Man Same Result

Torrid Affair
Ending in despair
Lonely Blog
Let me log, onto you
And tell you all I've been through
A man walked back into my life
In but a single stride
Waves of lust
Misused trust
Sex sells and talk is cheap
I took a chance a made a leap
But my body was his only desire
With in me he lit a burning fire
He revived my deaden heart
Only to rip it apart
Caught in my delusions
All the emotions were simply illusions
To strip me of my walls
Or maybe simply my clothes
Why did I expect a different result
But to men I'm simply a body
A little too pudgy but not to shoddy
Big boobs tight ass
This is what I'm seen as
I'm not an ugly duckling
But all I'm good for is some fucking....
I must be doing something wrong to get mistreated every time.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


It’s cold so cold as I run to my car
I thought I’d be warm in your home
But you didn’t come to the door
I don’t see your car but I know you’re not far
I wish I could tell you what you want to hear
And I know I’m just fulfilling your greatest fears
But I need to tell you I need to say
All the things on my mind
And I wish I could turn back the hands of time
To start all over, do it better
Make a future for you and me
But it’s not in the cards
It’s not in my heart
WE are slowly dying and
ME I’ve come to terms with that
You need to open your eyes
I don’t want to anymore so,
Let’s live today like it’s our last
And pretend our loves not fading fast
Enjoy today hope for tomorrow
For once it ends let’s not be filled with sorrow
Because I loved you
You loved me
But baby it’s time to be free

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stepping Down

Tears oh tears rolling down my face
Wiping away all traces of the kisses left there
My steps slowly echoing as I walk down the stairs
Too many times I’ve hesitated and ran right back into your arms
This time I will run right into harm
I’m saying goodbye to the old me
Not listening to what you told me
But following my feet carrying me away
I’m going down these steps
Leaving the pedestal you put us on
I have no interest in being who you want me to be
I only want what seems to be REAL
Not a stretch of faith
Not a place where I can only hate, you
Hate you for making me unhappy
I know this is all to sappy
But I gotta live for me
I wanna live to be free
No rules only guidelines
Since you are so big on Jesus
Let me tell you a few of his words

Matthew 9:13 “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

Sunday, January 15, 2012


The wind blowing outside my window
Holds the slightest traces of embers
The scent of smoke is slowly leaving the air
The cold is making my skin tingle
But I can barely feel anything anymore
Footsteps echoing behind me as I move from this place
I’ll make sure not to leave a trace
Fire, fire burning down my memories
Consuming all things that remind me of you
I never told but I hated those trinkets
Not my style you weren’t thinking of me
Rise up rise flames of amnesia
Help me forget this pain deep within my heart
Help me ease and help me restart
Fire, fire how you burn
All you’ve taught and all I’ve learned

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Quick Start

Before anyone I know sees these posts and starts bugging me about is this really going on in your life?! Shinanigans These poems may be true at some point, but most of them are exaggerations and dramatizations of what's really going on with me, so please if ya don't know what's real and what's not call me and ask me don't assume its all real and start gossiping about something you're not sure of

No Good Man

He’s a no good man
He’s gonna break my heart
I know it all too well
But I couldn’t help myself

He’s a no good man
Holding me in his gaze
Knowing I can’t escape
From this feeling in my heart

He’s a no good man
I see the passion in his eyes
And soon I realize

He’s a no good man
I want this man
Want him to myself
To me and on one else

He’s a no good man
I want him to look at me with those eyes
The ones I once denied

He’s a no good man
And I’m a naïve selfish girl…
